Public liability affects a huge number of individuals and businesses, and failing to take out adequate insurance can be the difference between overcoming a poor experience and it ending your business. If you own a shop, restaurant, office or even work in customers’ houses, it is highly likely you will benefit from public liability insurance.
Liability cover will help protect you in the event that a claim is made against you or your company. In the modern era this is more important than ever. Whether it’s a customer making a claim for injury on your premises or damage to their belongings, public liability insurance is the essential protection you require.
- Buildings
- Subsidence
- Accidental damage
- Contents
- Glass
- Money
- Business Interruption
- Public liability
- Products liability
- Employers’ liability
- Legal expenses
- Professional Indemnity
- Commercial vehicle
To get a quote or find out more.
020 8422 8900