Contractor or Tradesmen 2018-05-02T12:08:30+01:00

Contractors Tradesmen insurance policies are unique

Policies for contractors tradesmen are somewhat unique, in terms of insurance. Whilst many jobs follow a similar format, they are simultaneously unique. We are able to customise your insurance to provide maximum benefit to your company, whether it is for ongoing work or a one-off project.

Builders, carpenters and electricians are just a few of the trades we frequently deal with. We specialise in doing the hard work for you and zoning in on the most relevant policy available. This helps you feel at ease no matter what the job entails and ensures your company does not suffer in the event of an accident, be it having important and expensive tools stolen or accident damage caused at a customer’s premises.


  • Contractors all risks
  • Tools and equipment
  • Hired plant
  • Money
  • Business Interruption
  • Public liability
  • Products liability
  • Employers’ liability
  • Legal expenses
  • Commercial vehicle

To get a quote or find out more.
020 8422 8900